Red Hook Capital Partners

Red Hook Capital Partners

Red Hook Capital Partners

Red Hook Capital Partners (Red Hook) is a real estate investment and development firm focused on the charter school sector. Red Hook works with high-quality charter school operators in a variety of ways. Red Hook helps charter schools identify, acquire, and develop a suitable site to become a permanent home.

Contact Information

Primary Contact Name (optional)
Alyssa Ross
Vendor Email (optional)
Social Media - Click the "+ Add New" button below to add networks
Vendor Website

Reference #1

Reference #1 - School / Company Name
Sage Collegiate
Reference #1 - Contact
Sandra Kinne
Reference #1 - Contact Method

Reference #2

Reference #2 - School / Company Name
Vista Public Schools
Reference #2 - Contact
Don Wilson
Reference #2 - Contact Method

Reference #3

Reference #3 - School / Company Name
Teach Public Schools
Reference #3 - Contact
Raul Carranza
Reference #3 - Contact Method

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